martes, 17 de marzo de 2015

Las vueltas de la vida. (Si nada importa realmente, ¿por qué te sientes deprimido?)

Wasn´t it you? (The Action)

“All your gypsy friends have gone away now /It's for someone else to sing their songYou said it's all a masquerade /And life was just a game you playedBut now, too late, you see that you were wrong/All the friends you hung around are gone now/They're all entertaining someone elseYou lived your life without a goalAnd now you feel you've lost your soul/And you can only blame it on yourself

Wasn't it you who said that nothing mattered/Wasn't it you who said life's a holiday/Well, if it's true that nothing really matters/What are you doing, feeling down this way

I remember when you tried to warn me/You told me not to try to tie you downNow your mind is filled with doubt/The crowd that you were in, is outAnd you have no idea where you're bound/Wasn't it you who said that nothing matteredWasn't it you who said life's a holiday/Well, if it's true that nothing really mattersWhat are you doing, feeling down this way" (Carole King)

Personajes como este hemos conocido todos. Lo tuviste todo : las chicas se peleaban por ti, los chicos te admiraban. Al crecer conseguiste ser un triunfador:  el mejor trabajo, la mujer ideal. Ibas dándonos consejos a los pobres desgraciados. Perdonándonos la vida. Ahora estás solo. ¿Quién es el perdedor? 

sábado, 14 de marzo de 2015

35 años sin Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente

Castellano ilustre, marchaste joven aún.

Gracias a tí generaciones enteras de españoles aprendimos a respetar la naturaleza. Aprendimos que el lobo no era una alimaña sino una criatura necesa

ria para el orden natural. Aprendimos a amar nuestros campos, valles y ríos. Nuestras rapaces, nuestros bosques y nuestros linces.

Gracias, Félix.
